SFE Lessons Learned from Learn-n-Burn Events
"Learn and Burn" workshops are an excellent way for private landowners and others to gain hands-on burning experience and knowledge from expert mentors. This webinar will provide some lessons learned from coordinating these events, and tips to putting one on in the future. Participants will be provided with a template checklist, examples of past agendas, ideas for potential partners and funding opportunities, suggestions on how to measure program impact, and successes from past events.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
Burning in the Growing Season
Learn about the opportunities of using prescribed fire during the growing season in the warm Summer and Fall months. Prescribed fire can help livestock operations extend good forage later into the year. This factsheet designed for landowners and producers interested in prescribed fire and the practitioners that support them.
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Publications, fact sheets, training materials
Firebreaks for Prescribed Burning
Firebreaks are one of the most important elements of a properly conducted prescribed fire. Learn about the different kinds of firebreaks used in prescribed fire, how to build them, and how to prevent erosion after a prescribed burn. Resource designed for landowners, farmers, and producers interested in bringing fire to their land.
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Publications, fact sheets, training materials
The benefits of prescribed burns in growing season
Fire Ecologist John Weir describes the benefits of prescribed burns during the livestock grass growing season.
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Videos, podcasts, multimedia
Managing Burns Safely
Tips for landowners and producers on how to burn their pasture safely and efficiently in the spring. Brought to you by John Weir at Oklahoma State University.
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Videos, podcasts, multimedia
The Importance of Regular Prescribed Burning
Landowners and producers are welcomed to learn about the importance of regular prescribed burning. View property that was recently burned and how this treatment helps manage the land.
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Videos, podcasts, multimedia
Eastern redcedar burning tips
Landowners and forest managers are welcomed to learn about how to clear and Eastern redcedar and maintain their lands and forests with prescribed burns.
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Videos, podcasts, multimedia