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American Fisheries Society Newsletter October 2023

AFS News: WFC Travel Award Deadline, Hatchery Strays in Upper Columbia Watershed, Lobster and Crab Populations Inside and Outside an MPA

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World Fisheries Congress Travel Award Deadlines

Two travel awards for the 9th World Fisheries Congress in Seattle, Washington, 3-7 March 2024, are still open for applications. The deadline for the WFC International Travel Awards (for attendees residing in low and middle-income countries) and the International Fisheries Section Bern Megrey Travel Awards (for attendees residing outside of North America) is approaching soon on October 15.

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Stray Compositions of Hatchery-Origin Chinook Salmon and Steelhead in Natural Spawning Populations of the Upper Columbia Watershed

Hatchery-origin Chinook Salmon and steelhead stray compositions on the spawning grounds met management targets at the basin scale but in some cases exceeded management targets at finer spatial scales, often as a result of multiple hatchery programs contributing strays.

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American Lobster and Jonah Crab Populations Inside and Outside the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument

Marine protected areas (MPAs) need monitoring to evaluate their benefits to society. We characterized American lobster and Jonah crab populations inside and outside a newly created MPA while commercial harvest was still operating, thereby providing essential information needed for assessing future responses to planned fishing closures.

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