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Perry Wheelock

Wheelock, Perry

Perry Wheelock is the Associate Regional Director, Resource Stewardship and Science for the National Capital Region of the National Park Service, where she oversees the region’s Natural and Cultural Resource professional staff.  From 2009 to 2011, Perry served as the National Capital Region’s Chief, Cultural Resources and from 2007 to 2009, she served as the Chief of Resource Management for National Mall & Memorial Parks, where she was directly involved with the planning for the Potomac Park Levee, the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool area, and for the National Mall Plan.

Prior to assuming those duties, Perry served as the Cultural Resource Manager, and briefly as the Chief of the Division of Resource Management and Visitor Services, for Rock Creek Park, where she worked on the development of several cultural landscape reports, the planning for an extensive preservation project at Meridian Hill Park, and the restoration of migratory fish passage along Rock Creek. Perry is the author or co-author of various cultural landscape studies for parks located within the Appalachian LCC (Harpers Ferry NHP, C&O Canal NHP, and Monocacy National Battlefield). Her undergraduate and graduate degrees in American Studies are from the University of Pennsylvania and George Washington University.  She also completed the Landscape Design and Historic Landscape Preservation certificate programs at George Washington University.


Cultural landscapes National cultural resource/preservation Historic Structures (Management, Preservation, Restoration) History/Cultural Research