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You are here: Home / Expertise Search / Whitehurst, David K.

David K. Whitehurst

Whitehurst, David K.

David Whitehurst has 37 years of experience with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and 39 years of experience as a fish and wildlife biologist.  He is currently Director of the Department's Bureau of Wildlife Resources.  He began his career with the Department as a district fisheries biologist in southside Virginia, and was a regional fisheries manager in Roanoke before moving to Richmond as assistant director of the Department’s Fisheries Division.  Whitehurst moved from that position to Director of the Fisheries Division and was also asked by the Board of Game and Inland Fisheries in 1993 to serve as the Funding Initiative Coordinator for the Board’s 1994 funding initiative.  He has also served as Deputy Director of Operations, as Acting Director for Operations and Legislation, as Director of Planning, Policy, and Public Relations, as Director of Information and Education, and as Director of the Wildlife Diversity Division for the Agency and has been active in legislative initiatives at the state and federal level. He currently serves as Chairman of the Management Board for the Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture, a 13-state cooperative effort to advance bird conservation in this portion of the Country, is as a member of the Refuge Partners Team for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and serves as Chair of the Interim Steering Committee for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative. A North Carolina native, Whitehurst received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from North Carolina State University.
