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Meet the Steering Committee Members

The Steering Committee currently consists of representatives from federal and state agencies, non-­governmental organizations (NGOs), and a representative for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

Gwen Brewer
Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Clyde Thompson
Vice Chair
U.S. Forest Service - Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia



Evan Crews
Executive Sub-Committee
Tennessee Valley Authority

Bill Jenkins
Executive Sub-Committee

Environmental Protection Agency, Region III

Daniel Odess
Executive Sub-Committee
National Park Service, National Capital Region


Paul Johansen
West Virginia Division of Natural Resources


David Whitehurst
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries














Ray Albright
National Park Service, Southeast


Jon Ambrose
Georgia Department of Natural Resources


Richard Cole
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Bridgett Costanzo
Natural Resources Conservation Service

Diana Day
Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission

Rick Durbrow
Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV

Ken Elowe
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Northeast Region

Pandy English
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency


Jon Gassett
Wildlife Management Institute

Nathaniel Gillespie
Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture


Cathy Haffner
Pennsylvania Game Commission

Caleb Hickman
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians

Danny Lee
U.S. Forest Service, Southern Research Station

Ellen Mecray
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Campbell Moore
The Nature Conservancy

Tom O'Connell
U.S. Geological Survey

Harold Peterson
Bureau of Indian Affairs

Mike Piccirilli
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Region


Bill Reeves
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency

Karl Schrass
National Wildlife Federation


Tom Shope
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Lois Uranowski
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Scott Warner
West Virginia Division of Natural Resources

Kendrick Weeks
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission

Perry Wheelcok
Executive Sub-Committee
National Park Service, National Capital Region